Today I have on the show the Oh Lardy ladies Kelly Liston & Tamara Mannelly from their blog We cover quite a few different areas in fermentation from fermenting mushrooms, holiday ferments like cranberries and apple butter, essential oils, and then go through their book on fermentation, Oh Lardy’s Guide to Fermenting Fruits & Vegetables.
They had me cracking up and were such a pleasure to talk to. They’re so full of information and they really just want to teach people all they know about Real Food, fermentation, and just health in general. I hope you enjoy today’s episode and try out some of their recipes.
The holidays are just around the corner so, get something fermenting!
- Kelly & Tamara’s journey on the path of Real Food and how they got into fermentation making their own bread, soaking grains, and fermenting foods
- How the Oh Lardy ladies met in an unlikely way and started their joint project together
- What is “Real Food”?
- Tamara’s first experience fermenting with the Nourishing Traditions book, sauerkraut, and taking a fermentation class
- Some of their favorite ferments including a fermented cranberry sauce
- Kelly’s experience fermenting mushrooms and how it actually tastes quite amazing
- They talk about a nice fermented apple butter for the holidays
- A couple mishaps like a batch of grated beets that were less than desired that turned white, a moldy batch of kombucha, and testy sourdough starter
- How fermenting your chicken feed can help increase enzyme content, vitamins, digestion, boost usable protein, and how it can help your birds in their molting cycle and get back into the laying cycle
- Fermenting comfrey in a 5 gallon bucket for an easy high nutrient liquid plant fertilizer
- Using essential oils in fermentation like a small drop to flavor kombucha tea
- What the Oh Lardy ladies cover in their fermentation classes and workshops in the Phoenix & Chicago areas
- Teaching the “art” part of fermentation where there’s not always one way to ferment something as in to use a starter or to not use a starter
- Things that a beginner could start fermenting that will get you going like fermented carrot sticks or salsa or things you might eat as a snack all the time anyways
- Sneaking ferments into appetizers like fermented carrots blended up into a guacamole dip, into sandwiches, smoothies, or using the brine as a base for vinegar for salads
- Their newest ventures into fermentation including milk kefir and tackling the elusive sourdough bread
- How fermented foods and drinks are a regular part of their diet and different fermented offerings on their dinner table, packed in lunches and sometimes in breakfast
- Their thoughts on fermented foods relating to health and well-being
- They go through their beautiful book they co-wrote together Oh Lardy’s Guide to Fermenting Fruits & Vegetables
- Fermented Cranberry Sauce Recipe
- Fermented Mushrooms Recipe
- Fermented Pumpkin Butter Recipe
- Fermented Chicken Feed
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- Kelly Liston & Tamara Mannelly’s blog –
- Oh Lardy’s Guide to Fermenting Fruits & Vegetables
I’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s show so be sure to comment below or if you have an idea for the show, email me at paul at or just click on the Contact button on top of this page and fill out the form. I look forward to hearing from you!